Cybernautic was growing with no end in sight, and the team had been dreaming up what a new space might do for them. More parking and a more effective layout for both individual productivity and collaboration were among the needs they were facing. After over 3 years of looking for a new location for Cybernautic, the owner of Catalyst Construction called with a unique opportunity. The previous owner was willing to get creative, so Robbie and the Cybernautic team jumped on it. The 2404 East Empire building was much larger than Cybernautic needed or could use on their own, so how would they fill that space? Blueprints were acquired, information was gathered, and the idea of a consciously designed shared space for multiple businesses began to form.
This wasn’t your typical new office space project, as it required the acquisition, negotiation, and set up of a large space for multipurpose use. The right businesses and individuals had to be brought together in a conscious way or the shared space might be at risk. Once these aspects were lined up, it was vital to have a good relationship with local banks. All the money required for the entire project must be on the table, meaning there’s necessary trust and connection between all parties involved, especially the lenders. This meant lots of paperwork and jumping through hoops, but it ultimately led to terms of success for everyone.
Most businesses are looking for the right square footage to meet their needs, but Cybernautic had the opportunity to work directly with other local businesses in a way that was mutually beneficial for everyone involved. The result is a unique, shared workspace that allows 10+ businesses to thrive in one thoughtfully crafted location. When people are brought together, lasting relationships are formed and communities grow.